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EGD News #144 — Most popular on EGD

EGD News #144 — Most popular on EGD

Sent on July 22nd, 2022.

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(Photo by Dayvison de Oliveira Silva)

Most popular on EGD (so far in 2022)

Here’s what has been happening on EGD during the first six months of 2022.

Most popular EGD News pieces

These were the ten most-read EGD News pieces, in no particular order.

🍰 EGD News #129 — Founder dilution

6️⃣ EGD News #133 — Six lessons from 25 investments

5️⃣ EGD News #137 — Five things on being a founder

🚌 EGD News #132 — Right people on the bus

🧠 EGD News #134 — “Braintrust” greenlight

💰 EGD News #123 — Fundraising in 2022

👌 EGD News #117 — The perfect teaser deck

🪔 EGD News #128 — Deep work

🔍 EGD News #131 — Removing uncertainty

🎲 EGD News #138 — Make your own luck

Most popular articles worth reading

These are the 10 most-clicked article links on last 6 months of EGD News:

💪 Game studio fundraising for dummies

📈 Idle tycoon games market overview

🎫 Seven ways to take Battle Passes to the next level

🔮 What it really means to transition from web2 to web3

🧐 How to find your zone of genius

🌼 How to calculate a UA budget for a soft launch

🚀 How to soft launch a game in 2022

🥵 Why scaling games is hard

🌎 Nobody cares about decentralization

🙌 The fundamentals of game economy design

What I Tweeted in the last six months

My cadence on Twitter has been to post something meaningful every day to my followers. Either it’s about a piece I’ve written or some content that I’ve created. Often, I might have an insight or something that I just want to share, relating to gaming startups.

I’m so pleased that for the first time in gaming, there is no platform owner, a gatekeeper who gets to decide what games get highlighted or is taking a cut of the revenues. We are building games that will require developers to get much closer to their audience. I’ve talked about audience development before, and I’m pleased about the movements in community building on web3.

I want to add here that competition in web3 is starting to get more fierce, which could mean that things will get a lot harder soon for developers entering. Gaming investors are becoming more sophisticated and looking for studios working on more sustainable solutions and not the next ponzinomics winner.

Being an entrepreneur is always hard. Even when you think you have the best idea, the best team, and all the resources to do things, there will be conflict, countless” the sky is falling” days, and no wanting to do it anymore.

I want to add a softener here. The hardness of doing startups is less brutal when you have great co-founders who can share the burned. But still, being the CEO is really tough and lonely. The best way to soften the CEO’s work is to talk, spend time with peers, and get a great coach or mentor.

Most people assume being CEO is a hard job—stressful, busy, high-pressure. But the stress is one thing; the isolation is another. You might have a co-founder, but you shouldn’t have a co-CEO. It’s a one-person job, and you’re all alone up there.

— Tony Fadell, Build

Not much to add here. This is what the optimal cost structure looks like when doing free-to-play games. Would be awesome to reinvent this for web3, so that the “staff” and “other” get more exposure.

Bonus: blast from the past

As a bonus, I’d like to share a few interesting links and pieces from the past that I’ve shared on EGD.

Index Ventures’ guide on ESOPs

The Employee Stock Option Plan is the best option for companies to motivate their employees for the long term. I wrote a piece on building an ESOP and referenced Index’s guide in that piece.

Kristian Segerstrale lecture from 2011

This lecture from Super Evil Megacorp CEO Kristian Segerstråle is still the best Kristian content out there. Filmed eleven years ago, but more relevant than ever. I wrote a piece about the talk.

How to create a pitch deck

In early 2021, I did a webinar on the topic of how to create a game studio pitch deck. In this webinar recording, I shared all that I know about what pitch decks should communicate. Watch the recording and grab the presentation by going here.

Quote that I’ve been thinking about

To attain knowledge, add things every day. To attain wisdom, remove things every day.

— Lao Tzu

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By building infrastructure on top of the Bitcoin protocol, ZEBEDEE is creating interoperability between different developers and studios, allowing the entire games industry to share the same open standard for sending and receiving value. Find out more!

Happy weekend!

New articles that are worth the read will be shared again in August! I’m at the cabin now and minimizing the amount that I look at on Twitter and LinkedIn. I hope to share more interesting pieces when I’m back in the city!

I hope you have a great weekend!
